18 Profitable article writing sites

With this refined article, you're well-equipped to embark on a journey towards additional income through writing for profitable article platforms. These opportunities exist for both beginners and seasoned writers, demonstrating that no matter your level of experience, there's always a path to financial success in the world of writing.

paid to write article
article writing site/ image source: canva.com

Profitable Guest Blogging Strategies:

Whether you're just embarking on your writing journey or a seasoned blogger, guest posting remains an invaluable strategy for attracting targeted traffic to your website or blog. Not only does guest blogging help you promote your blog or website, but it also offers a fantastic opportunity to earn money online.

Understanding Guest Posting:

Guest blogging involves writing articles and publishing them on blogs that accept this type of content. It's an excellent method to gain visibility for your blog because most guest-friendly blogs allow you to provide a brief self-description and a link to your website or blog.

Even if you don't own a blog, guest posting is an effective way to build your reputation as an online writer, which is essential for any freelance writer. The best part is that many blogs are willing to pay generously for high-quality articles that you submit to them.

Two Guest Posting Strategies for article writing site:

Option 1: Direct Submission:

If you're proficient in English, you can write an article and submit it to these blogs, waiting for approval and payment. However, this approach demands time and effort, as crafting a top-notch, substantial article necessitates research and creativity. Furthermore, it doesn't guarantee acceptance.

Option 2: Outsource and Submit:

If English is not your strong suit, you can leverage platforms like Fiverr. Post a project there, outlining your article's topic and requirements, and allocate a suitable budget for the task (around $30 is reasonable). You'll receive multiple offers from freelance writers willing to complete your project.

Profitable Sites to Write For:

Once your project is complete, visit Fiverr again. Choose a highly-rated translation or writing service and request a linguistic review of your article to ensure its quality.

Next, select a site from the list below that aligns with the subject and content of your article. Submit your article to them and await their response. If accepted, you'll earn a substantial sum, exceeding your initial investment in freelancers' services and keeping the difference as profit.

Crafting an Exceptional Article:

Creating a high-quality article isn't a complex task. Seek out articles on topics similar to your own that have been widely shared on social media. You can utilize tools like Buzzsumo to aid in your search. Buzzsumo provides a list of articles related to your keyword that have garnered significant social media attention, along with the number of shares on each network. By exploring this list, you can generate ideas for your article's topic.

Reputable Guest Blogging Sites:

Now, here's a list of reputable sites known to compensate writers for their content and their specific submission requirements:

List of sites and their submission guidelines here:


vocal paid to write
screenshot of vocal

Vocal is a site very similar to the popular Medium, where Vocal allows you to write articles within the site and get paid in return. You can get paid by getting your articles written inside the site to get views, and the more views the more profits.

The first thing is to register within the site and then write your article and submit it for viewing. The site administrators will review your article and then publish it if it meets the conditions. The good thing is that the site accepts articles easily and there are not many complications. You can get $3.8 per 1000 views.


paid to write on freelancer
screenshot of freelancer

Freelancer is a site for profit from writing Arabic and foreign articles and many other services that you can provide to site visitors. The first thing you will do is make an account for profit and not to buy services. Then improve the appearance of your profile by writing a detailed resume about your work experience in the field of writing and submitting some of your work for others to see.

Among the thousands of jobs on this site, you will choose the writing job and determine the field in which you write. Your job is to sit on the site waiting for offers from people who are looking for a writer to write an article for them. You will make a suitable offer for this person. In the event that you are accepted, your role begins writing the article, and receiving your money after it is delivered to the buyer.


get paid to writ on copyhakers
screenshot of  copyhackers

Copyhackers is a site that pays you to write about some custom topics, where you can get 300 to 1000 dollars for writing just one article. The site is specialized, and it needs high quality articles in the following areas: copywriting, branding, business management, case studies and other areas.

You can submit your very carefully written article through this link. There are four steps that you must follow in order to have your application reviewed and then email you with approval or rejection within 5 days.


FreelancerCareers get paid to writ
screenshot of freelancercareers

Freelance Careers is a site to earn from writing articles by searching for a job within this site or by providing your services to clients. If you are tired of looking for a site that pays you for one article, then you should think seriously and look for a job as a writer in your field of choice.

On this great site, you can easily find a well-paid writer job related to your personal interests, but unfortunately all of them are in English, and we will look at the Arabic sites below. The salary that can be obtained may vary depending on the difficulty of the tasks required of you as a writer. But in general the profits range from $7 to $31 for every page I write.

writing site that pay
screenshot of listverse.com/write-get-paid/

Pays $100 per article, with a minimum word count of 1500 words and a minimum of 10 list items. This site is known for its unique and engaging content, and it is a great way to get your work in front of a large audience. ListVerse is also a good option for writers who want to build their backlink profile, as they allow you to include a link to your blog in your author bio.

Tips for getting your article accepted by ListVerse:

  1. Do your research and come up with a unique and interesting list idea.
  2. Write clear and concise prose that is easy to read.
  3. Include high-quality images or videos to support your list.
  4. Proofread your work carefully before submitting it.
The Greater Good Blog:

This blog is specialized in publishing articles on health, beauty, family and business attached to scientific evidence, and the main pillar of this blog is well-being, happiness and comfort. 

 This blog is always looking for bloggers and writers to share their funny, crazy, exciting and famous experiences and works. Bloggers are paid $100 per article, and the article is required to consist of more than 800 words, and this blog is characterized by putting the names of bloggers on the article.

This blog is intended for network professionals and accepts articles related to design, code and content. This blog pays $200 per article in addition to the ability to share the author's photo, a short synopsis, and a link to his blog.

This blog is for women writers, written by women writers. The blog focuses on topics such as publishing, writing, reading, and journalism. If you want to participate here, you should write articles on topics such as tips on how to write, for example. Bloggers pay $150 for articles of 3,000 words, and $50 for shorter articles. It also features the ability to share a lot of sentences about the author with his own links.

This blog pays $150-$300 per set of full Photoshop tutorials. And for short lessons, they charge $50. This blog also features the ability to put a link to your own blog.

This blog is specialized in human resources, so if you are a hobbyist in this field, you can work with it. This blog pays $200 per article, and it also puts the author's name next to the article.

This blog is focused on giving practical advice and tips to working parents. You pay $100 per article ranging from 1500-2500 words, and you allow the author's name and blog link to be placed next to the article.

Most of the specialties of this site are related to training, jumping, safety equipment and the like, and your share of one article is $100, in addition to your experiences and skills in the writing and blogging process for them.

If you are interested in railways, this site provides you with an opportunity to write and blog for them. The value of one article on this site reaches 230 dollars. If the article is very good and studied with great care and is supported by pictures, videos, graphics, etc., the value of this article reaches more than 700 dollars and sometimes its value $1000 This article features a photo of the author of the article, with a link to his personal blog being shared in the article.

Transitions Abroad Blog

This blog is specialized in topics related to work and external study, and the value of the detailed article reaches 150 dollars or more, as for regular articles its value reaches 50 dollars, and this blog allows you to add two sentences about you as a content writer, in addition to placing a link to your personal blog. This site is interested in writing lessons, training and educational courses about building and designing websites



more info : https://www.transitionsabroad.com/information/writers/index.shtml


The topics of this blog relate to environmental issues and conservation, travel, nature, safe living, health and safety. The lowest the blog pays is $50, and you can go up to $1000 for detailed and featured posts. You can also write about the author with his own links.

 Your Online Biz

This site gives advice on marketing strategies. If you know how to launch and market products, you can give advice here, and you will get $100 per article. But this blog does not allow the author's name to be published.

This site is one of the best entertainment and entertainment sites on the Internet. There is a secret contributor page where you can post your ideas, and if approved, your article is published and $100 for long posts and $50 for short posts.

This blog focuses on the experiences and expertise of designers and their interaction. You pay $100 per post, and you can also put a link to your blog and your Twitter profile next to the article.

Important skills and tips for profit from writing

The world of blogging is a very large science and has branched into several fields, and everyone chooses the field that he loves according to his inclinations and passions. For example, to talk about healthy nutrition, you need to be an expert and specialist in this field in order to succeed in it. Among the most important tips that will help you 


These opportunities exist for both beginners and seasoned writers, demonstrating that no matter your level of experience, there's always a path to financial success in the world of writing.

These potential pitfalls include:
Risk of Non-Acceptance: There is a possibility that you may invest time in crafting an article that, in the end, is not accepted. The ultimate decision rests with the owners of the sites that permit guest blogging. In such cases, having contingency plans is advisable. For instance, you can consider publishing the article on your own blog or on another platform that doesn't offer payment for article submissions. This way, you can still gain value by promoting your site through the included links.
Passionate content creator with a love for writing, art, and blogging