how to Make Money on Pinterest - ideas

Pinterest offers more than just crafts and recipes it's a powerful search engine that offers legitimate options to make money    !! Making money on Pinterest is possible through various strategies that capitalize on its visual and highly engaged user base.

make money with Pinterest


Pinterest is one of the most popular social platforms. When you think of Pinterest, what comes to mind first is probably recipe posts, inspiring decorating tips, and DIY ideas.

What you may not have realized is that Pinterest is a search engine, which is great for marketers or anyone looking to promote a website, product, or business.

Since Pinterest is a free site, you may be wondering how to make money on Pinterest in the first place.

More and more people are using Pinterest professionally to market their content and this can help you make money on Pinterest.

Some people currently earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month on Pinterest. Here's how you can start doing the same and maybe even start a new part-time or full-time job you can do from home.

Can I make money with Pinterest?

It's not hard to start making money on Pinterest. Just understand how Pinterest works and have a clear strategy.

First of all, if you're not on Pinterest yet, you definitely want to go there today and create a free profile. Getting followers on Pinterest is important, but it's not the most important. 

In fact, you can make a decent amount of money on Pinterest without any followers. However, having a few followers will allow you to easily create a few pins and follow other users with similar interests.

How Pinterest works ?

Pinterest boards are basically collections of your favorite Pins that fall into a similar category. Each Pinterest user can create their own boards and pin them.

You can pin all kinds of content, from blog posts to products from an online store, videos, and more. Clicking on your Pins will normally take you to the resource or content in question.

So, if you pin the image of a recipe, for example, you can click on it and be directed to the blog where the recipe appears. If you're pinning a DIY product or project that you like, click the pin to go to the website or company and learn more.

The more people who pin a particular type of content, the more that content will be seen. The process then repeats.

How Pinning on Pinterest Can Help You Make Money ?

It's no secret that Pinterest is a popular platform. Millions of users pin and search for content at any time of the day.

If you're looking to make money on Pinterest, you need to start thinking about Pinterest from a marketing perspective.

You can either create your own Pins to share on the platform. When people see your Pins and re-pin them, some of them will click on the link and be directed to a website or store where they can learn more. Often this can lead to a purchase.

Another strategy to help you make money with Pinterest is to help other businesses and marketers grow their Pinterest platform so they can get more clicks and traffic to their website.

The fact that Pinterest is a free platform that has millions of daily users is huge. This means that with the right marketing and strategy in place, a lot of money can be made.

Keep reading the next section to learn exactly how to make money on Pinterest.

Ways to Make Money on Pinterest :

Do you think you'd be interested in creating Pins, marketing your blog or platform, or helping someone else grow their Pinterest account?

No matter your interest, there are many ways to make money on Pinterest, even if you're not too familiar with the platform.

Affiliate marketing (best way to make money on Pinterest without a blog!)

The easiest way to make money on Pinterest without a blog is through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is about promoting a product or service you like with a unique link. If someone clicks on this link and buys the product or signs up for the service, you receive a commission.

You can post your affiliate links in a number of places to market the products or services you want to promote – including Pinterest.

Start by creating a pin for your affiliate link. If possible, include a photo of the product or sample service in your pin.

 Pinterest is a highly visible platform and you need to get people to click on your Pin. When adding a link to your Pin, make sure it's your affiliate link and let users know in the Pin description that you're using an affiliate link.

So when someone clicks on your pin, they're using your unique link. From there, if he signs up or makes a purchase, you will receive a commission and can start collecting passive income.

So when someone clicks on your pin, they're using your unique link. From there, if he signs up or makes a purchase, you will receive a commission and can start collecting passive income.

The advantage of making money with affiliate marketing is that the possibilities are limitless. You can earn a few hundred dollars in affiliate sales per month or even thousands of dollars depending on the quality of your conversions.

Affiliate revenue depends on the numbers, the quality of the product, and how you present it. If you have a solid product, are honest and transparent when promoting it, you can get more clicks from Pinterest to your affiliate links.

Once you've set up your Pins, you can practically automate your strategy and continue to pin different pins that promote your affiliate links.

You don't need to spend time on it every day and you can start making money on the sales you reference without even thinking about it.

Blogging (Make money on Pinterest easily with a blog)


how Make money on Pinterest

You can easily make money on Pinterest as a blogger, because that's how I started my blogging journey. I've explained, in detail, everything I've done on Pinterest to get such good results in this blog revenue report. And that's why there are tons of bloggers on Pinterest.

Pinterest can help you significantly increase your blog traffic, just like it did for me. Whether you're a new blogger or have had your blog for a while, start establishing a presence on Pinterest and creating pin images for each post.

Consider using a Pin Scheduling tool like Tailwind to help you schedule Pins each week so you don't pin them manually. You can also join Pinterest group boards with other like-minded bloggers to increase the number of eyes that see your Pins and share them again.

Group boards are the same as regular Pinterest boards, except they allow multiple people to pin to them at the same time. Typically, group tables are subject to rules so that you can join them.

You may need to follow the creators of the group board or be invited by someone who is already part of it. Then, there may be rules to follow regarding when you should pin to the forum and how many times you can pin your content per day or week. 

The most popular forums require you to pin content from other people, who will do the same for you. This can be a great way to increase your traffic on Pinterest and get more clicks to your blog.

The main thing is to join discussion groups related to the theme of your blog so that people who come across your pins are usually interested in your blog.

Like Pinterest group boards, Tailwind has a feature called Tribes, which allows you to join a "tribe" with other content creators and transplant other people's content.

All of these strategies to help you get more traffic from Pinterest to your blog can help you monetize your blog in different ways.  With a larger number of visitors to your blog, you can make money through displaying ads and affiliate marketing.

Display ads are an easy way to earn passive income and the more traffic you receive on your blog, the more money you can make each month.

You can also make money from sponsored content if your blog receives a lot of traffic. Brands and businesses want to work with bloggers who have audience and influence, and you can easily earn hundreds of dollars or more with a single sponsored blog post. 

 E-commerce store

Thinking about starting an ecommerce store? You may have great ideas about a product you could sell, but one of the most important aspects of successfully running an online store is marketing.

Even if you have the best product in the world, people won't know it exists if you don't market your products to potential customers.

This is where Pinterest marketing can come in handy. If you run an ecommerce site on Etsy, Shopify, or your own self-hosted website, you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to your store. 

Create pins for your products and write detailed descriptions to grab your audience's attention. Be sure to link the pin to your specific store or product link so that people can easily shop around your store and make a purchase.

Pinterest is also a great platform for running ads for your products. These ads are called "promoted pins" and require a small investment, but can help you reach your target audience faster.

 Expand your Email List


Make money on Pinterest with email list

If you have a blog or sell products online, it's a good idea to create a list of email addresses. Email lists are a tool of choice to help you target your audience and get to know them better.

When you think about it, people who sign up for your list are already very interested in learning more about you, receiving advice, and discovering products or offers.

You can use your email list to:

  • Sell other people's products through affiliate marketing
  • Sell your own products or courses using a sales funnel.
  • Offer a low-cost free product or offer that will bring a lot of value to your audience.
  • Offer a paid newsletter where members pay a monthly subscription to access exclusive content.
  • Host a webinar
  • Organize sponsorships
  • Offer a service
  • Your email list is also something that belongs to you in its own right, unlike your contacts on social media. Social media sites often change their algorithms and may even disable your profile if you don't follow the guidelines, knowingly or unknowingly.

This won't happen with your email address list because people manually choose to be contacted by you and no one can take those email addresses away from them.

The general rule is that each person on your email address list is worth about 1-2 euros in income. This means that if you have a great email marketing plan in place, a list of 2,000 to 4,000 people can earn you between $2,000 and $4,000 per month.

Of course, the hardest part can be growing your email list up to that amount. Growing your presence on Pinterest can help. Use Pinterest to share Pins for your blog content or links to your products or services.

When Pinterest users click on your Pins and are directed to your site, prepare a prominent signup form so users can sign up for your email list and receive other information from you.

 Get customers

If you're a freelancer offering a useful service, consider creating a Pinterest account to help you connect with more customers. You can create Pins that refer users to your official website or blog so they can learn more about what you're doing and potentially engage.

Whether you're a freelance writer, graphic designer, photographer, or editor, some of your future clients might be on Pinterest. It's also a great way to grow your network in general or get people to sign up for your email list so you can contact them in the future.

Pinterest allows you to create a business account instead of a personal account, which will allow you to see some analytics and statistics that can help you increase your reach.

You'll also want to pay close attention to the descriptions of your Pins to help get more content on your eyes. Pinterest allows the use of hashtags and keywords. Be sure to take advantage of this when filling out your profile details and writing detailed pin descriptions.

As on platforms such as Twitter, users will be able to search for hashtags and certain keywords to find your account.

 Become a Pinterest tech assistant

One of the best ways to make money with Pinterest is to become a Pinterest virtual assistant or Pinterest VA. The role of a Pinterest VA is to help someone grow or start their Pinterest account.

Pinterest's AVs work with a variety of clients ranging from bloggers and online business owners, to local brick and mortar stores, influencers, and more.

If you learn how to use Pinterest properly and drive traffic to a website or email list with your Pins, you could make a great Pinterest VA with these skills.

Some people want to grow their presence on Pinterest but don't want to do all the work themselves. Maybe they don't like the idea of creating pins or they don't have time to program pins on Tailwind.

That's why they plan to outsource the work to an expert. Some of the services you can offer as a Pinterest VA include:

  • Design new Pin images
  • Programming Pins
  • Find and join newsgroups
  • Creating new tables
  • Add pin and table descriptions
  • Search for relevant keywords
  • Creation and optimization of new accounts
  • If you're already having fun on the platform and creating boards for yourself, you could make money on Pinterest by helping others grow their platform as well.

Create charts for Pinterest

About 62% of millennials prefer to search by image. That's a huge number that only contributes to Pinterest's growing popularity.

If you're looking for an easy way to make money on Pinterest, try creating Pinterest graphics for others and charging a small amount per image.

You don't have to be a graphic designer to successfully create your Pinterest images. Instead, use free tools like Canva that already provide pre-sized templates and tons of features like fonts, different colors, graphics, and more.

Canva has automated features that help you properly space out your design and size different elements like the fonts and image you use.

Take a look at your Pinterest feed and reduce the number of the best images you see. Which ones really grab attention or make you click on the pin? Next, determine why these images are so beautiful.

To help you, here's a brief list of some of the important things that make for a good pin:

Clear and legible font - handwritten and cursive fonts are suitable as long as people can read the words on the pin.

Good color contrast between font and image - Bright and bold colors are great but not always necessary. As long as your colors are consistent and contrasting (between image and font), your pin should work well.

Appropriate size image – Canva will help you in this area since you can simply select a Pinterest image of preset size to start designing your pin.

Unique branding – It's not uncommon to see a pin and automatically identify with the brand because it uses a similar color scheme and font. When you start designing pins for other people, look at their brand's color scheme, logo, and other unique features to make the pins stand out. 

Below are some examples of quality eye-catching pin designs.

You can expect to earn around $5-7 per pin design, but creating Pinterest images is a task you can easily do in batches if your customer wants a certain number of images per month.

Increase your revenue by accepting multiple pin design clients that may need 10 to 20 images created per month. 


Pinterest Consultation

With Pinterest consulting, you can share your knowledge and strategy with others by following easy-to-follow steps instead of doing the work yourself. In other words, you can get paid to teach others how to grow their Pinterest accounts.

Once you've learned the ins and outs of VA Pinterest's work, you can start consulting with other people who want to learn how to properly set up their Pinterest account, create Pins, and schedule them.

While some clients prefer someone to do all the work for them, others may want to get the job done but need instructions on how to get started. Offering a mix of Va Pinterest service work and consulting can be a great way to balance your workload, especially if you're short on time.

Consultants can easily earn $50 to $100+ per hour and you can even create video templates, worksheets, and more to help clients learn how to manage their own Pinterest accounts. 

more Ideas for Making Money on Pinterest:

  1. Create a Pinterest board related to your business and start pinning content related to your products and services.
  2. Establish yourself as an authority in a particular niche and offer consulting services.
  3. Offer Pinterest account management services to businesses.
  4. Sell products or services related to the topics that you discuss on your Pinterest boards.
  5. Promote and sell your books, ebooks, or other digital products through your Pinterest boards.
  6. Create Pinterest ads to promote the products and services that are available on your website.
  7. Create Pinterest graphics and images for businesses that need visual content for their boards.
  8. Offer services to help businesses increase their Pinterest followers.
  9. Create a course that provides step-by-step instructions for businesses to create a successful Pinterest strategy.
  10. Create and promote a paid ebook or guide related to Pinterest marketing.
  11. Offer Pinterest SEO services to help businesses increase their reach.
  12. Create and market Pinterest templates for businesses that want to quickly create pins.
  13. Offer a personalized Pinterest marketing plan for businesses.
  14. Offer social media management services that include Pinterest.
  15. Create and market templates for businesses that want to quickly create pins.
  16. Offer services to help businesses optimize their Pinterest profile and boards.


Now that you know how to make money on Pinterest, you can start trying some of these strategies and make money from home on your own terms.

Your first impression of Pinterest may not have made you think you could make money on the site before, but becoming a Pinterest virtual assistant or using Pinterest to help you monetize your blog or email list may be worth it.

Pinterest isn't going away anytime soon to go away, so if you're looking to make $500 or more a month, now is the perfect time to start making money on Pinterest.

Passionate content creator with a love for writing, art, and blogging