This Spanish Influencer Doesn't Exist, But She Earns €10,000 a Month

A fictional influencer is causing a stir on Instagram. With over 153,000 followers, the fit_aitana account features a model created using artificial intelligence.

Aitana Lopez instagram

Aitana Lopez has everything going for her. At 25 years old, she is making a splash on the platform, especially thanks to her pink hair. Young, pretty, thin, and fit, she checks all the boxes to break through on the platform. Only one problem: she doesn't exist.

The fit_aitana account was created from scratch by Rubén Cruz, the CEO of the agency The Clueless. It all started last summer, reports Euronews. While the company was struggling with a low number of clients, the boss saw several contracts slip away.

The entrepreneur then realized that on many projects, his entire work (design, staging) was never called into question. "Often, the problem came from the influencer or the model and was not due to design problems," he explains. So instead of looking for the right people, he decided to create his ideal model using artificial intelligence.

Telling a story :

"We did it to be able to live better and not depend on other people who have an ego, who have quirks, or who simply want to make a lot of money by posing," Rubén Cruz explains to Euronews.

In order to make the concept as realistic as possible, the teams at The Clueless gave the fictional model a lifestyle. Each week, they meet to decide what will happen in her daily life. "We had to tell a story," Cruz summarizes.

And the bet paid off. Created about four months ago, the fake influencer already has over 143,000 followers. All without ever taking anyone by surprise. In the profile biography, it is stated that Aitana Lopez is a "digital creation." The agency The Clueless is also mentioned, and explains the project on its website.

Often presented in a tank top or sportswear, the model regularly publishes photos showing large parts of her body. An eroticization that does not prevent her from signing a contract to represent a brand of sports supplements. There are also advertising posts, billed at €1,000 each.

In addition to this, there are revenues from a platform similar to OnlyFans, Fanvue. On this page, it is possible to observe the digital model in lingerie. But for that, you have to pay up: $15 per month, the classic price for a real human model. It may be for this part of her personality that she now receives private messages to flirt with her.

With these activities, Aitana Lopez can generate up to €10,000 in a single month. But Rubén Cruz estimates that the average is closer to €3,000 per month.

In the face of the success, the agency The Clueless is overwhelmed with requests. All the brands that contact them want their own personalized model: an image rather than a person reflecting their values.

For now, a second model has been launched by Rubén Cruz. Maia Lima is sold as the opposite of Aitana Lopez. Still created using artificial intelligence, this second virtual model presents herself as a shy Argentine, passionate about photography and travel.


The case of Aitana Lopez is a fascinating example of the growing role of artificial intelligence in the world of influencers. While it is still relatively rare to see fictional influencers, it is likely that we will see more and more of them in the future.

There are a number of reasons why fictional influencers could become more popular. First, they offer brands a level of control that they cannot get with real influencers. With a fictional influencer, brands can be sure that the model will always meet their expectations and that they will not be associated with any negative publicity.

Second, fictional influencers can be used to create more creative and engaging content. Real influencers are often limited by their own personal experiences and beliefs. Fictional influencers, on the other hand, can be used to explore new and different ideas.

Of course, there are also some potential drawbacks to using fictional influencers. One concern is that they could be seen as being less authentic than real influencers. Another concern is that they could be used to spread misinformation or propaganda.

Overall, the case of Aitana Lopez suggests that fictional influencers are a trend to watch. As artificial intelligence technology continues to develop, it is likely that we will see more and more fictional influencers emerge.
